Sex role symmetry among the Rungus of Sabah
essay 1991 Appell, Laura W. R.

Rungus DusunAsia > Southeast Asia
This is a study of gender relations among the Rungus Dusun. Laura Appell makes the case for sexual symmetry. According to Appell, Rungus male and female roles are balanced in the household economy. High bride price underscores the value of a bride's ...

Menstruation among the Rungus
essay 1988 Appell, Laura W. R.

Rungus DusunAsia > Southeast Asia
According to Laura Appell, menstruation is an unmarked category in Rungus culture. Little attention is paid to it. Girls are totally uninformed and unprepared for it. There are no taboos surrounding it. It is not considered polluting. Menstruating wo...

To converse with the Gods
essay 1993 Appell, George N. & Appell, Laura W. R.

Rungus DusunAsia > Southeast Asia
This article is on female spirit mediums, the BOBOLIZAN. The Appells argue that the bobolizan are distinct from shamans and other religious types, because their trances are not soul journeys, or forms of spirit possession. Rather they are disassociat...